OkAyyyyyy. So today I did a wee bit of Lifedrawing with Sammy-boy Saunders which was great even if I wasn't too hot and quite out of practise. Model seemed really 'draw-able' if you know what I mean without sounding weird or perverted... Anyway it was good even if I didn't like one drawing I did. In the morning I managed to get a bit more texturing done. Tomorrow I aim to finish all texturing and modeling (I can hope) and then move on to the painting weights on one of our character. I know I need to model a bell for the stunning opening shot that Alec has set up for us. Although I'm looking forward to the final render and completion of this project I am not looking forward to the terrifying problems which lie ahead - and I'm guessing theres going to be a few considering we are guinea pigs with the render farm - and Alec is unfortunately ill now (get well soon mate). At least he's let us know - was good of him :)... good communication guys :D Overall the project is coming along I just wish it was moving slightly faster. Unfortunately I keep working a lot as my contracted days seem to be this that and the other when I would much rather get cracking and stay behind for a few hours and do a bit more Medieval Maya modelling at Rave... Alas time is well spent when we are there. I was fed up of waiting for about 2 mins for a render preview so I started using IPR renders to start with but still I couldn't really be bothered to wait around for that. In the end I found myself looking at the Render Settings and going hmmmm what can I change - PRODUCTION QUALITY....Hmmmmm lets go 'draft'. Considering the main image I was looking at was always in the foreground I really didn't need the amazing pixels in the backgroud looking really nice and textured so I set to draft and managed to get my Renders down by half the time. Today I added a bit of variation in the arches (took a chunk out here and there) to make it less..... Samey (I HATED that in some older games - same texture and same model 5times in a row down one stretch of walk way you HAVE to take so you HAVE to see it.... anyway...). I've also textured the cloth drapped over the stall with a cloth texture - how convinent. Anyway I think it looks ok. Had to repeat the UV's quite a few times but I think its ok. Not sure about the Bump map just yet... might alter that a little bit.
Bored of typing now... so lets stick some images up.

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