Below is a sequence going from the final image composited to how they have developed the image itself. I'm not sure exactly what Game these images are taken from as my Girl Friend found them and photocopied them for me....bless her lil cottons. Anyway it shows the development from the simple block out to the detail in the houses and then onto the detail in the roads. This can be looked at in another way - Rendering in Layers as you add the finer details and tweaking of roads etc to the end. Also it suggests how we worked at the very beginning of blocking out our simple layout so we all worked to the same scale and the same style. This I feel gave us an advantage so we did not have to resize with any major difficulties.
Below is another Image photocopied by my girlfriend Rach. These two are useful. Before characters are introduced and after. You can also notice that the path has been added as they probably did some fine tuning of the image. I could probably take a guess that there is about 4 or 5 layers of set in these images which were rendered out in different stages.
I even went to the effort to break it up for you:
Red = Forground - most detail for this shot
Yellow = Mid Distance
Green = Background - Least detail in this shot
Orange Dashes = LONG distance background eg sky and hils in the distance.
Blue = Character - added last obviously

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