"Can I just say I'm loving the way your Blog is coming together... just looking over it all it looks great! Team Authentic Rocks!!"
Jared Taylor 2008 - In not so many words
We had the formative assessment today in our groups with Jared Taylor. Generally he was happy with the way that we were working together as a team and all knowing our individual roles. There wasn't too many moans and groans at each other - most likely as we were all keen on the project since day one and have all been eager to learn new techniques and try new things...
Tom - nCloth, building Massive and not so massive boats and storyboarding.
Simon - Modeling Tudor Housing, cannons and all things that people couldn't even dream of as well as a bit of Vfx.
Alec - Bend deformers on HOUSES, storyboards, coming up with insane ideas that spark ideas off in the group.
Dan (Myself) - Playing with Vfx to the max, Clouds, Ocean Planes, Fog, Depth of Field and 3D Fluids and particles for the first time.
Overall I believe that each one of us took a few things away from the Formative Assessment that will aid us as individual workers. Personally I took away a bit of confidence in my team mates that they are all so on the ball knowing exactly whats going on all the time. I wasn't confident that they were checking the Blog as often as Simon and I but now I know they are it sets my mind at ease. I also learnt that I don't need to do 5 jobs at once - I need to prioritize moreso about whats needed here and now. The guys also said that they were happy working with me and my technical skills were good (eg Vfx). I only hope I can get better. Jared said that I was a good contributer and that I was well structured.
My formative assessment ended up with me getting pretty good marks all round. I was happy with that as these marks allow me to improve my work. If I got all excellents then I would have no where to aspire to... No challenge to push me on with my work. This way I have something to aim for!!
Thats all I can remember for now... until I get back the sheet Jared is copying for our Assessment. Until then....