Tuesday, 25 November 2008

After Marquette

Someone waxed that floor too much.  Those medieval kids and their floor polish! *sigh*

learning is a good thing - I learnt that if you don't adjust the bump map to the same settings as the 2D texture placement (eg repeating UV's so many times both ways) you'll end up with some FUNKY distortion in your textures.... funky this time being bad.... very bad as you can see above. I fixed it though and learnt my lesson.  I'm feeling quite confident in texturing now as it takes a long time but it is definately good practice.  For some reason I am beginning to find it slightly soothing ... I think Jared said this might happen.... unfortunately I'm nearly finished texturing now.  Nevermind hey?

What the floor was supposed to look like is above... clearly it looks like that now and I've kept it like this.  I think I changed the Bump Map down a little bit mind you just so its less Cobbley but I honestly can't remember now and I'm not in the mood to boot up Maya to find out...

This was what was happening to start with with my texture.  I believe the stripes on the floor was due to the UV editor looking a MESS and the lighting not acting correctly.  I changed all of this and as you can see above its all better now :)  Below is another example of a messy floor :p

I stayed behind a couple of hours after we did the Marquette making which was cool. This is what I got up to as you can see. Did a bit more texturing. Jared spoke to us in our group (while I was at Marquette making) but caught up with me. He seems to think it'll be a good idea to do a run through camera in Maya so we can sort out timing of camera shots - even if only with a block model. Tomorrow I hope to deform the Telescope and finish texturing.

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