Someone waxed that floor too much. Those medieval kids and their floor polish! *sigh*

What the floor was supposed to look like is above... clearly it looks like that now and I've kept it like this. I think I changed the Bump Map down a little bit mind you just so its less Cobbley but I honestly can't remember now and I'm not in the mood to boot up Maya to find out...

This was what was happening to start with with my texture. I believe the stripes on the floor was due to the UV editor looking a MESS and the lighting not acting correctly. I changed all of this and as you can see above its all better now :) Below is another example of a messy floor :p

I stayed behind a couple of hours after we did the Marquette making which was cool. This is what I got up to as you can see. Did a bit more texturing. Jared spoke to us in our group (while I was at Marquette making) but caught up with me. He seems to think it'll be a good idea to do a run through camera in Maya so we can sort out timing of camera shots - even if only with a block model. Tomorrow I hope to deform the Telescope and finish texturing.
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