Just a quick playblast... if the guys are happy hopefully we'll be able to render this shot soon ... maybe even tomorrow :D excellent!!! Tom did the animation on the boat and I'd been working on the moon as I've already mentioned... we all attempted to create a moon however we all decided that mine fitted the storyboard (and we really liked that originally anyway) the most. Woo hoo! Its all coming together. Today we also finally put all our scenes together and Simon being a Saint went through Alec and Tom's Hypergraph and really cleaned it up!! IT WAS NOT PRETTY! We, Team Authentic, have now started animating, Alec is doing the Crows nest as I was really struggling and he is Lead Animator for the group while I'm doing the bell and other such bits and bobs. Tom has animated the guys on the ships however I feel they are hardly visable in this playblast... they will be later on in the final render for definate. Simon has begun to work on shot 4 man tying up his boat ... Shot 2 is Alecs crows nest and Shot 3 is the Telescope view of EVERYTHING. I really can't believe that its all come together so well. We are now getting renders out and Simon, whilst tidying up the Hypergraphs and Outliners Created Layers and set the different sections into layers so now we can render different areas for different shots. I'm so impressed I'm going to stop typing now. Just two more words - Happy BUNNY!!!!
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