Wednesday, 22 October 2008

2nd Week Review - Barcelona

The second week went pretty well.  The only problem that really arised was that some of the group members believed that we didnt have any real structure or storyline to our piece.  Simon ended up convincing these members that all would be ok as it was in the style of a 'game' opening and tutorial.  I believe that there is still an overall calmness about the situation now however it may crop up again when we have a tutorial with Jared on Tuesday.  This was all in the first few days of the week.  Towards the second half of the week two of the team members, Simon and I, packed for 'Sunny' Barcelona, Spain.  The two of us discovered a great deal of textures and experienced the lifestyle and true environment first hand.  Some excellent primary research went on here with hundreds of photos taken of textures, landscapes, architechture and people within the environment (as well as a drink and going to a club here and there).

From Barcelona we managed to take away -
LOADS of textures.
A good look at the docks there - day and night shots and water damage can be seen and will hopefully be used within Unit 201!
An understanding of characters interacting within a gothic and Spanish environment.
A religious interaction withing Barcelona.
One Hangover

Quotes and other bits we took away -
1st night with the Mexican Girls in Ryans
Back to Ryans and on to Travel Bar
Josh and Stu: 'Ughhhhhhhhhhh' (Resident Evil)
Sucking on my titties ... 'Fuck the Pain Away' by Peaches
Grigsby's cut out of his face done in about 15 seconds.
Too much Salt on our bread
A Burger with no Bun?
Pouring water from the balcony.
Mini 'James Brown/Michael Jackson/Every guy he could think of' on his Flower Bike.
Simon: 'PHIL! PHIL!!....PHIL.....' out the window.
Simon asking EVERY PERSON on the street where the Apollo Club was
Doing Pressups in Apollo and Simon Rinsing A Spanish Kid
One bit of paper saying Karla Sky

Now back to work at Rave.

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