Thursday, 6 November 2008

Character Design

So I started a few designs this week on the character.  Here's what I came up with:

First of all I just played about with different shapes of people to create the possible characters.

I quite like this fellow chap.  Slightly sea-worthy fellow.  Looks like he belongs on out set to a certain extent however he's a bit TOO pirate... I don't think a PIRATE pirate would fit in with the style of houses and lighting too well... but we'll see.

Think this slightly depressed guy is probably too modern.  He looks like he's wearing a jumper his wife has knitted.  Very Mr. Casual.

Probably a bit too modern again.  A yobbish style of character that doesn't really want to do ANYTHING anyone suggests.

I think I quite like this guy.  He's not too interesting but I can imagine he would be once we start animating him.

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